Thursday, August 11, 2011

Attack Of The Kraken by Hammelgeier

Few MOCs are as breathtakingly awesome as Pirate ones. And by Pirate I mean Pirates of the Caribbean too! This Attack of the Kraken MOC by Classic-pirates member Hammelgeier is probably one of the best mini-scale MOCs I've ever seen!

See it on Classic-pirates.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Love Building!

The video pretty much explains itself. There is some serious animation on the faces.

Summer Sets at Shop@Home

I know I'm really late in saying this but all the new summer sets are at Shop@Home. These include: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Kingdoms, Hero Factory, Ninjago, Cars, and pretty much every LEGO theme.
My wallets gonna hurt the next couple months.

Happy buying!